The CryoStore Consortium
The CryoStore consortium consists of 7 full partners (Beneficiaries) in 6 European countries, together with 15 Associated Partners.
Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Leibniz University Hannover
French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment
University of South Bohemia
Wageningen University and Research
French Poultry and Aquaculture Breeders Technical Center
National Institute of Agricultural and Veterinary Research
Associated Partners
IMV Technologies
European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB)
European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources (ERFP)
Topigs Norsvin
Geno AS
Le Centre de Sélection de Béchanne (C.Béchanne)
Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen)
LLS ROWIAK LaserLabSolutions GmBH
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU)
Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (NURE)
European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Science (EAMBES)
Ard Innovation
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI)
The Project Management Team
Prof. Ian Mayer
Dr. Silje Modahl Johanson
Siv Hicks
Mari Augensen Mathisen