PhD 6

Heritable and nonheritable changes in offspring produced via surrogate parents from cryopreserved germ stem cells in fish

Location: Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, University of South Bohemia (USB), the Czech Republic

Main Supervisor: Dr. Martin Pšenička, E-mail:

Participating researchers: Dr. Catherine Labbe (INRAE), Dr. Birgitta Stolze (LLS Rowiak)


  1. Produce germline chimera using genetically isogenic common carp line as a donor of germ stem cells and a closely related species of goldfish as a host. An inbred zebrafish line and pearl danio host will be used as a contingency plan.

  2. Compare all possible biological, genetical and epigenetical characteristics of gametes and offspring from common parents, inter- and intra-specific surrogate parents after germ cell cryopreservation.

Expected Results:

Obtain important information about the effect of cryopreservation of germ cells and surrogate reproduction on offspring in fish. These results can validate or invalidate the applicability of the germ line cryopreservation and surrogate reproduction technology for conservation strategies and breedings.

Planned secondments:  (Host, Supervisor, timing, length, and purpose)

  1. LUH, Glasmacher, M12, 1 M, evaluation of interspecific cryodamage using cryomicroscope in fish germ cells

  2. LLS Rowiak, Stolze, M18, 1 M, advanced histological analysis for examination of gonads after germ cell transplantation

  3. INRAE, Labbe, M12, 2 M, training in evaluation of epigenetic changes

Enrollment in Doctoral Degree: Yes (JU, USB)