CryoStore diary - Oleksandra Hubenia
27-31.05.24 | Leibniz University Hannover (LUH)
During the last weeks, I have been working together with my colleague Ricarda Brunotte on the summer school program that will take place this year in Hannover. Thanks to this, I met new people who are experts in various fields, from soft skills education to intellectual property law. We are also waiting for interesting lectures from leading specialists in cryobiology and excursions that will not leave you bored in your hotel room. We look forward to seeing you in Hannover this summer! See more information about the sommer school here.
I also cannot fail to mention that the project introduced me to Paulina Pyrek, who also started her journey in the CryoStore project. Thanks to our communication and mutual help, difficulties cease to appear as such. Also, online meetings with a new colleague calm down a little and provide mental support. And as I can summarize, the project allows us not only to work on the direct responsibilities of a graduate student, but also connects with other beginners like us at the beginning of the academic path.
This Friday we (me and my colleague Ricarda Brunotte) visited the LLS Rowiak company, which is a direct partner of the project. We got acquainted with the company's activities and laboratories.
From left to right: Ricarda Brunotte (LUH), PhD student of the CryoStore project Oleksandra Hubenia (LUH), Dr. Fabian Will (LLS Rowiak), Dr. Birgitta Stolze (LLS Rowiak).
Pictures at the walls of LLS Rowiak. Photo: Oleksandra Hubenia.